It was during the summer of 2010 when I finally got over my fear of waterslides. As we were getting off the bus and stood in line to get our bags checked I looked at the rides and started to get nervous. I walked up to the long white table and handed my bag to the lady on the other side. She looked at me suspiciously in the eye, opened up my bag, peeked inside, and then handed it back aggressively. As I walked through the big metal gates I looked up at all of the rides. My heart skipped a beat when I saw all of the twists and turns of each ride. I walked towards a table and put my pink bag with down with the rest of the camp. I got with my group and we jumped into the Lazy River. As I got myself caught up with my friends, Counselor Thomas called our group out. We all discussed about which ride we would like to go on first. I nervously sat down and listened, not quite ready to go onto any of the rides just yet. After what felt like an eternity they finally decided to go on The Storm Rider, or as some people call it “The Toilet Bowl”. Nia, wearing her green camp T-shirt like everybody else and her blue board shorts skipped up to me, looking as happy as any person can be. “Hey! Want to go on the ride with me, Charlie, and Counselor Kevin?”, she asked excitedly. “UmmN-“, I hesitated and thought, ‘What if they make fun of me for being scared of rides?’ “Sure, why not!”, I blurt out. Wait. What!? Where did that come from? I don’t want to go on the ride! “Ok YAY!”, Nia exclaimed, “Charlie! Grab a floaty please!” Charlie and Kevin fished out a big rubber foatly and started hauling it up the stairs. Nia and I followed along. As we waited in line, I listened to the people on all of the other rides scream. I thought about running down the stairs and not going on the ride but I knew that I couldn’t do that. We climbed all the way to the top of the steps. I looked down at the yellow and blue frightening ride and p