Gilly Hopkins is a 12 year old foster child - and her real name is Galadriel Hopkins. She doesn't like any of the foster homes. She has acted disgusting and rude for the foster parents. Galadriel or Gilly is on her way to Maimed Trotter's house, her new foster mom. A big chubby lady stands in the doorway. Gilly acts rude to Trotter. Gilly's room is small, she can't even pull out her drawers completely. She never does anyway she never stays long enough. Trotter has a small little boy named William Earnest, W.E. for short. He was scared of Gilly, Gilly had taken down 6 boys at her school. Mamie Trotter said to Gilly that yellow house down about a block, go and get the man that lives there. She knocked on his door and said Mamie Trotter told me to invite you to dinner. She left and went back to Trotter's. Trotter said Gilly he's blind you have to lead him. Gilly took the black old man to supper and he complimented Trotter the whole time. After dinner Gilly read him a poem but she went to find it and found 45 dollars. She kept it, she wanted to go to her mom's in California. Later Gilly asks Agnes her "friend" a short red headed girl that is very annoying to help her look for more money at Mr. Randolph's [the old black blind man.] They didn't find any money anywhere Gilly found some money in Trotters purse and kept it then goes to the airport and tries to buy a ticket to San Francisco but the cops caught her and brought her home. Nonie, Gillys moms mom or grandma she has never even met came to collect her Gilly soon realizes that she doesn't want to go she wants to stay with Trotter and W.E She sees her mom not as beautiful as she pictured her ratted hair worn clothes and a mad attitude. Gilly calls Trotter and asks if she can stay with her Trotter says "no honey" you can't you're not under my custody anymore sorry.' so Gilly wrote to them all of them Trotter, W.E, Miss. Harris and Mr. Randolph. Her teacher Miss. Harris sent her the