I intend to prove that it shouldn't matter how couple’s marriages are formed in different cultures, because both ways are in the best interest of the couple’s lives, both involve commitment to each other, and both are believed to be right in their culture. The parents of the Indian children are looking for what is best for their kids, so that they can live a healthy and prosperous life with their wife or husband. But, the stereotypical thinking in our culture is that we must fend to find our soul partner mainly by ourselves, and that the help of our parents would be an outrageous concept. To me, it seems like it has to do with religious views and family stability. In the American culture, it is common that people communicate to establish relationships, whether it is socially, friendly, or romantically. However, it starts off very different from the way the Indians have their marriages. To us, we must first get to know our future wife or husband, then they begin to date for a certain period of time, where they get to learn all about each other and begin to grow stronger feelings towards one another. Instead of the father going around looking for a young man to marry his daughter, in our culture, traditionally the young man must approach the father and ask him for his daughters hand in marriage. If the father agrees, then the young man can take the next step in the customs of marriage, which is proposing to his girlfriend. Usually, it becomes a sort of romantic surprise, the young man will go out of his way to make everything as great as can be for when he pops the question of marriage. If she says yes, they are engaged from that point on, the young man usually buys a diamond ring for his fiancée as a symbol of their engagement and commitment to one another. Most couples go through a counselling during this time to help them become prepared for some little things life may throw at them while they are married. The engagement itself can take weeks, months, or even years before the couple gets married and takes the full commitment. They take time to plan out their wedding day, traditionally the young man and woman find a best man and best women to stand in the wedding with them. It is u