
The Romance of Hamlet and Ophelia

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Hamlet is a play written between 1599 -1601 by William Shakespeare. This plays is a tragedy who talks about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who is on a quest to get revenge from his uncle, who killed his father and married his wife (Hamlet’s mother). One of the major sub-plots of the play is the love between Hamlet and Ophelia. This love wasn't easy, as Hamlet, in his way to his revenge, acting crazy, caused people to think he was not then suitable to Ophelia, therefore there was no dramatic love scene with the two characters. But that doesn't mean he didn't love Ophelia, instead Hamlet truly loved Ophelia in spite of all the harsh things he do and say to her. At the beginning of the play we can see, before hamlet knows the truth about the death of his father and start acting crazy to murder Claudius, the king, we see that he loved Ophelia. One example of this is the conversation between Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius in (Act 1- Scene 3), in where Laertes and Polonius discuss Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship, and they tell Ophelia that she cannot be with Hamlet. An explanation of this is that for Polonius and Laertes to tell Ophelia that she cannot be together with Hamlet, it must be that their relationship is known, and the Laertes and Polonius doesn’t like that relationship, because they think that Hamlet is playing with Ophelia, which he is not. After he found out the truth about his father's death, Hamlet still want to be with Ophelia. In the play he says to Ophelia “I did love you” (Act 3- Scene 1), in which he shows that he still care for Ophelia. He says that he once loved her because he knew that Polonius was watching him and Ophelia, so this way he would protect her and his revenge, because he can't show a direct for of love as it would show that he is sane and not acting crazy. Even when Hamlet said to Ophelia harsh things, we see that he does it because he still loves her and cares for her. An example of this is whe

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