The popularity of video games has grown immensely over the course of twenty years. Since its inception gaming has spawn books, magazines, and even live theatrical movies. The popularity of video games has grown so much that a certain group of individuals have come out and made video games their passion. A Hardcore gamer is an individual that spend a good amount of their time playing video games. They prefer to play games that have depth and complexity and often seek out game-related information. A hardcore gamer will have a certain type of look. To start off they will be in their late teen all the way into their late twenties. They will usually wear prescription glasses or sunglasses. They will always carry a book bag filled with their personal game or a certain type of controller. Hardcore gamers will have either and average build or they might be slightly overweight. Since many gamers do not move around a lot they just sit there eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew. A lot of them become overweight, but they are individuals that have high metabolism so they can appear to be in good shape. There are many different types of video games with many types of genre that people can choose to play. For example, people can choose to play fighters, shooters, adventure games, puzzles, racing and etc. However, a hardcore gamer will take on a game and spends hours and play the game intensively. The will study the game and try to learn everything as much as they can in order to be great at it. If there is a tournament of any sort, gamers will ignore everything and everyone just so they can prepare for the tournament. For example, every year in California they will have a gaming tournament called Evolution Championship Series. It’s a place where gamers from all over the country compete in order to be crowned the best gamer of the year. These players will play against hundreds of other contestants in order to win the grand prize of fifty thousa