The exact cause of ADHD and ADD are unknown, but what we do know that ADHD has a strong genetic component. What experts do know is that it is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes children and adults to have a hard time staying focused. It is also said that a lot of people with ADHD suffer from depression as well. In the segment I watched the child was very depressed and had a very hard time in school, not only on his school work but on his social skills. After seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist medicine was prescribed. At first while the medicine helped with him concentrating it didn't help with his depression. After it was adjusted there was a major change in the child and ultimately his life changed for the very best. While medication did help this child and his parents did what they thought was best for him some parents do not agree on medicating this condition. The debate is whether the use of behavioral drugs should be used in schools. According to CCHR there is no such thing as ADHD or ADD and they do not believe that anyone with psychiatric problems should use medication. I would like to ask the child at what age did he feel like he couldn't concentrate and when he started falling behind. Maybe his depression was solely derived from feeling inadequate. Most importantly I would ask what is his hearts desire, which can be expanded into numerous subcategories of follow up questions that can lead to the child finding his path to happiness. I feel as if Alex is lost because he doesn't know who he is and he is afraid he may never amount to anything. I would ask him if he felt like the ADD and depression worked together or if there were other things that made him feel depressed.I found it to be shocking that a kid at such a young age had feelings of falling behind in life. Most children I have acquainted with at this childs age had no concern about where they were going. I feel as if most children focus more on the moment