Marcus Brutus one of the most beloved friend of Julius Caesar. Betrays and stabs Julius Caesar to become more powerful in Rome. People can change from being a best friend to a worst nightmare in seconds. Why? Because they want something from people or they are jealous. In the theatrical drama, "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller there was some people who changed from either bad to good or good to bad because of the Salem Witch Trials. Reverend Hale changed from the point he arrives, to when the accusations begin, and when John Proctor gets in trouble. To begin with, Reverend Hale comes to Salem for the first time thinking satan was there. Hale came for many purposes, but the main "goal is light, goodness, and its preservation (Miller 36). Hale is a good man to begin with, but he came to Salem for the Devil, he came to "instruct [people], [that they] cannot look to superstition in this. the Devil is precise (Miller 38). Hale's ultimate goal was to get the Devil out of Salem. As he first arrived he was a good man and even a better man to make this trip to help Salem. He could've been lazy and stayed at his hometown but he decided to help the greater good and to show that he believes in God. Also, Reverend Hale's biggest change was when the accusations begun. Hale was so upset that the citizens of Salem stopped believing that the Devil was there and started to accuse each other of being witches. Hale was tired of this and begun to wonder if its the people who are wrecking their town and no the Devil. When Rebecca Nurse gets accused of being a witch he "denounce these proceedings, I quit this court" (Miller 120). He also starts to complain about Abigail who was making these false accusations by saying "Excellency. this child's gone wild" (Miller 119). This was one of his points of changing his ways because he no longer believed the Devil was there. It was the people that were scared to be called a witch and they would accuse each o