
The Main Three Ideas of Dantes Divine Comedy

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There are millions of concepts that people can come up when talking about the Divine Comedy. There are even interpretations of things most people would just pass up including me. However, I have decided to talk about how each book throughout was personified by three main ideas. The three main items start with the three mystical beasts of hell, the three stones steps of purgatory, and ends with the three topic questions of paradise. The book of hell (Inferno) was a great concept of with hell would consist of, and the depiction of the creature was quite interesting, from to three best to Dis himself. In the dark forest Dantes meets three beast each representing a certain amount of circles to come. First, was the she-wolf representing concupiscence (immoderate desires) (Raffa) for circles 1-4. The she-wolf interpretation of lust, gluttony, avarice and prodigality is seen when reading the book. Looking back the meaning of immoderate desires can be seen in lust. First with the guarding of circle two the minos who was created because of these desires. Next was the souls placed here Francesca and Palo. Francesca presented the she-wolf perfectly, being a she-wolf herself. Francesca after being married acted on a desired to have relations with her husbands brother. In doing so she causes the death of both him and her. Another note to make is like a she-wolf of physical habits. She knew she would have her prey Palo one day, however faith was against her and she was killed by her husband. The next circle and probably the center of the she-wolf meaning were the gluttons. Even the name means over indulgent in some type of activity i.e. immoderate desires. Cerberus, the guardian, was a desire himself to act of consuming so much that humans adapt the form of having more than one head. As stated by dante, the down poor made them howl like dogs (Inferno 6.6). The down poor of eternal heavy rain has cause the souls to become what they personified in real life, dogs. Here there is a soul called Ciacco whom name as stated by Ricca, could be a shortened form of "Giacomo" or perhaps a derogatory reference to "hog" or "pig" in the Florentine dialect of Dante's day. Mean he was indeed succumb the idea of over pleasuring of food and drinking which probably lead to the fall of Florence society. The next circle avarice and prodigality are the opposite of each other, but continues the theme of concupiscence. Avarice tells it all since it means greed and lust for material gain being closed fisted. Prodigality on the other hand was punished for spending too freely for material gain. The next three circles related to the second beast, the lion that of violence. The next circle was that of wrath and sullenness. The word wrath along shows that this was a illustration of violence being express, one good example was the soul Filippo Argenti. He fought with Dante and tried to capsize the boat, but fell and was torn to pieces by his cohorts. Showing that wrath was the initial start to pure violence. Sullenness is nothing more than the repression of that anger. Also, the introduction of the City of Dis is a big sign of violence the proof was the guardians Furies and Medusa, a monster with snakes whom very vicious. Following this they move in the next circle hesey. Hesey were placed in flaming tombs and as stated by Ricca Crusades were waged against "heretical sects," and individuals accused of other crimes or sins--e.g., witchcraft, usury, sodomy--were frequently labeled heretics as well. There were many getting killed for being falsely accused of being heretical. The next circle is the meaning of the lion since it is called violence. However there were five forms of violence. Murder which was violence to ones neighbor, and ironically are punished in a river of blood, representing the blood of their killed casualties. The next sub circle was suicide, the murder of ones self. There punishment of being trees and baring no fruits show how, the violence of killing themselves had no positive results. In addition now they have a purpose be violently hurt to become a home for a harpy. The next was sodomy violence in the form of male and child molestation. The souls were punished with a rain of fire. The last sub-circle was usury, who expre

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