In the Middle Ages, Renaissance art became a huge influence. The idea of expanding civilization and cultural expansions eventually led to humanism beliefs. Renaissance Artworks such as, The Money Lender and His Wife, School of Athens, Creation of Adam, and David are four sample pieces that accurately portray the humanities of the Renaissance. "The Money Lender of His Wife," by Matsys focuses on a man who is busy weighing the pearls, pieces of gold coins and jewels on the table while this is distracting his wife from reading, which may show as a Bible. The moral aspect of this painting shows the shiny gold coins and pearls symbolically representing lust, which has distracted the wife from her devotion of spiritual reading. Matsys also cleverly added the color white for purity of the Virgin as the wife's hat cloth. As well as the objects in the background highlights the true meaning of this painting. "The growth of capitalism is but one more example of the trend toward individualism that characterized a transitional period in a European society that was busily rebuilding itself to match the new view of reality" (LAMM. 18). The effects of capitalism, experimentation, the enlightenment and original thinkers dramatically caused the possibilities of individualism drifting away from virtual values of the church. This portrays to how the humanities of the Renaissance really came to be. School of Athens by Urbino shows all of the greatest scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and thinkers of ancient Rome from people who lived in different time periods in one painting. There's Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, and Ptolemy who depicts the changing world of true reality that is overwhelmingly unchanging. This work of art created by Urbino issues us a challenge of becoming the philosophers like them, to change the world by expanding and creating new ideas. "The four giant wall murals depicting the four branches of human knowledge and wisdom: the