
Firearms and Government Regulation

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The argument over gun control has been a societal debate for many years. Gun control is government regulation on the manufacture, sale, and possession of firearms. There are essentially two sides of the debate of gun control. Proponents of gun control believe in greater government regulation of the sale and possession of guns; while opponents of gun control believe that it is a constitutional right to be able to own a gun. There is no doubt that guns, in the wrong hands or uneducated hands, can be dangerous. Many tragedies in this country such as Columbine and Sandy Hook school shootings were and continue to be the spark of the gun control debate. However, these tragic events were caused by the person holding the gun. These places were also venues that do not allow for conceal and carry of people within the building. The inherent questions are whether or not controlling ownership of guns will decrease the crime rates, and whether or not guns themselves lead to crime? In this country owning a gun is a right for every individual guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. American citizens, need to fight to preserve the right to continue to use guns to protect and defend ourselves and our constitutional rights. America's fight to control violence needs to focus on ensuring criminals, mentally ill and potentially dangerous people are managed and all citizens that want to, and meet requirements are allowed to carry a gun and defend themselves. Would reducing or eliminating the constitutional right to own a gun decrease crime in the country? A survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, "found that roughly 5,340,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2008. These included simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders. Of these, about 436,000 or 8% were committed by offenders visibly armed with a gun" ( According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics, "of the aggravated assault offenses in 200

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