
My Educational Biography

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I was born in Manhattan NY and raised in South Jamaica Queens NY. I was put up for an adoption at 15 months and placed with an African American family. Being brought up in a black neighborhood was pretty rough for a white girl. The area I live in was hard to make friends because children assumed I through I was better than them because I had long hair and I dress nice and I talked without using curse words. When it came to high school my father decided to allow me to go to attend school in a town called Forest Hill and the name of my High School was called Forest Hills. I would have to say that the location of my high school shaped my life in many ways one being that racist still exist but not shown on the outside. I recall one day cutting class and going home early and some students walked by me and told me I did not belong there. Another time was when I watched some African American student get jumped by some white student. I have also seen African American students do some harmful things to white students as well. One of the things that bother me the most was when people would say what school do you attend and I would say Forest Hills High School and their respond would be man oh man how did you get into that school because it is a pretty wealth school designed pretty much for smart student. I will have to say that was the roughest years of school but the next three years were amazing. Well my school was located in a rich town so the parents would live there had money to put in for the students so that we would have the necessary resources to receive an education. I recall one time we needed new computer for our science lab and students spoke up and the following year we receive apple products for school. In high school I played on the basketball team, track team and I did a lot of science projected which required me to be on the road a lot. My father divorced my adopted mother and decided to get custody of all his children which that did take place but what hurt the most is because my father was a working middle class he did not have time to come to all my basketball games or track meet or to even see me present some of my scie

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