Over the span of the last twenty years American's views on terrorism have shifted. Muslims have been classified by the stereotypical label of 'terrorist'. This stereotype was enforced by the September 11th attack of the World Trade Center. Since then, the racial profiling and stereotyping associated with terrorism got worse before it got better. Today, it is common to hear the word terrorist thrown around when referring to people of the Middle East. The use of this highly offensive and erroneous pattern needs to be controlled. Islam is a very peaceful religion and should be treated as such. Fundamentally, Islam is based on the tranquillity that believers experience through surrendering themselves to Allah (God). As one of the fastest growing faith worldwide, there are currently over one billion believers, and is one the fastest growing monotheistic faiths in the world. Muslims are found all over the world, from every color, region and race. Allah is the Islamic name for the religions Almighty God and is often described as the Creator and Sustainer of life (Introduction to Islam). Unfortunately more and more often, Islam is being associated with terrorism and violence due to the actions of a few extreme individuals. Events such as the 9/11 attacks, bombings of Madrid and London are caused by the Islamic extremists and are justified by Islam in the minds of some people. News networks and the media also fuel justification and defame Islam by portraying bombers as Islamists and Jihadists ("Islam Way). There are also many examples of people, not belonging to the Islamic faith, committing acts of terrorism. An example of this is the Oklahoma City Bombing, committed by Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh was an Army Veteran and a supporter of a right- winged militia group. McVeigh was angered about actions in Waco and decided to target the Oklahoma Federal building because it was home to multiple federal agencies. McVeigh and his partner, Terry Nich