
Argument Essay - Illegal Immigration

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Isn't it a big deal once someone goes through the system and becomes a citizens of the United States? Why then should we let people who get into this country illegally be able to become citizens without going through the system legally? Our country has been trying to find a fix for illegal immigration since 1986. One of the things that the government wants to do for illegals is to forgive their illegal immigration and let them become citizens if they pay a fine. We need to pass a bill to secure our border and deport illegal immigrants, not a bill to secure the border and grant citizenship to the illegals already here. We need to step up security on our borders by equipping the agents with high tech equipment. We need to secure our borders first before we do anything else, to prevent people from coming in the first place. After the border is secured, we need to find and deport illegals and if they want to become citizens they should have to go through the system like everyone else. Illegal immigration changes a lot of things for this country. We need to secure our borders and deport illegals because when they are here they cause problems. With illegal immigrants here there will be a high rape rate and there will be more sex slavery and crime. If illegals have a baby in the US that baby is a US citizen and that can lead to a high birth rate and overpopulation. Which can further lead to human waste and lots of trash in our cities. When the parents come to the US and have their kids brought to the US by coyotes that endangers the kids because the coyotes often abuse the kids. Also, there are problems with overcrowded schools and universities. In having illegals that don't speak English, the government has to pay for translators for the students that don't speak English. Illegal immigration can also hurt our economy because the taxpayers have to pay for the benefits that the illegals get. When the illegals get jobs they are taking jobs that c

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