
Overview of ____________ Village Management

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One moment I'm walking through my parking garage as happy as a cartoon character and the next I’m raging with anger wondering why in the heavens I have a yellow boot on my car. Raging is an understatement to the massive change in my appearance, It was truly a 180 mood jump. I knew that many cars had been booted earlier in the week for not having parking passes, but I had never thought that I would be able to get a boot, considering the fact that I had bought a parking pass about two months prior to moving in. I sat there bewildered and angry that day wondering why there seemed to be problem after problem at _________ Village. One day I’m getting my car booted, the next day I’m getting a late fee for the rent that I had already paid but __________ Village stupidly had denied by bad service. “Why is this all happening just to me?” I thought. “Or is it happening to others too?” That’s something that needs to be investigated. __________Village needs to resolve all management vs. resident issues. About five minutes after the “Boot Experience” I finally managed to get my act together and stop fuming. I took the elevator upstairs to see what the ridiculous problem could be. As I arrived to the front doors, I noticed before even entering that the front desk was already closed. “So what am I supposed to do?” I thought, “How do they expect me to get to school tomorrow?” and last but not least, “How do I get a boot when I’ve already paid for my pass, what’s wrong?” I wasn’t about to pay 65 dollars to take a boot off that wasn’t even supposed to be on my car! I ran up to my room and almost felt like taking my anger out on my roommates, but decided to hold back. The next day after school I entered the front office with a certainty that the stupid yellow boot was going to go, but sure enough they denied my rejection telling me that they actually aren’t in charge of the booting. They had paid a company to do the booting for them due to laziness issues I guess. Wow! That pissed me off so much that I had to walk out before I reacted unnecessarily. I was told that the 65 dollars would have to be paid or a tow truck would be there in the next few days to take my new $500 dollar beauty that I had just bought from my mom’s friend. I asked them, “Wait, does that mean I’m getting put in a do or die situation from your mistakes? That’s sure a good way to keep clients here at _________!” By that time I was sure that what was going on had to be a joke. My eyes had question marks on them, but my veins were pumping with blood, yes I was raging. Making money is one of the most effective ways to get our lives together. In fact, most people consider it to be th

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