
Employees - Making Ethical Decisions

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Business ethics are moral principles that guide individuals in which way to behave in an organization. It is essential to distinguish between right and wrong in order to act in an ethical manner. This essay will focus on critically evaluating the factors that stimulate unethical behavior by individuals as well as examine whether unethical decisions are influenced by individual choices or their work environment. When faced with ethical dilemmas, managers need to determine what action is required to be taken. This is done by looking at the three views of ethical standards, which include the utilitarian view, rights view and justice view of ethics. Many organizations formalize the standards and values that they wish employees to follow by developing a code of ethics. A code of ethics document states the organizations values, what the company stands for as well as what is expected from the managers and employees. It acts as a guide to the organizations staff on how to achieve ethical standards. It sets out restrictions on behavior and a breach of these rules could lead to conflicts arising, unethical decisions being made and retrenchment. Unethical decisions are those that have detrimental effects on others and are either "illegal or morally unacceptable to the larger community" (Jones, 1991). This could mean violating ethical norms and standards or stealing as well as other forms or dishonesty. These unethical decisions could be influenced by factors from their work environment or they could be made by the individuals' choice. It is essential for an organization to develop a code of ethics as it improves the way ethical dilemmas that arise in everyday work. This allows the organization to create a positive public identity, which can lead to strengthening the trust between the business, their stakeholders and the public. Failing to do so could result in unethical decision being made by staff. This could be for their personal benefit or supported by the company. This behavior may vary from being as simple as using the organization's property for their own benefit to white-collar crimes such as embezzlement or bribery. When an individual decides to make an unethical decision, it may not be because they are gaining anything or benefiting from it, but rather they are being pressured into it. This includes organizational pressures such as managerial pressures, peer pressure and the quality of work experience. Research has shown that peer pressure can influence an individual to make faulty and often immoral decisions (Allison, 1971). Other factors such corporate goals, policies and procedures and corporate culture have a great influence on whether managers and employees act ethically or not. As an i

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