?It is a rare occurrence to study or partake in business ventures without considering the ethicality and importance of corporate social responsibility. The concept of ethics does not have a definite set of rules for a company to follow, it has come to mean different things to various people but generally it is what is deemed morally right or wrong within the workplace. Running a socially responsible and ethical company is not just the right thing to do on a personal level, but also the best thing to do for your business. By creating a company which withholds a heightened level of ethical values, the integrity of the company is professed and is the causation behind its successes. Roots Canada has often been showcased as a superior company in regards to the ethical manner in which they carry themselves and the production of their products. It is the responsibility of such worldwide known corporations like Roots to uphold a certain level of ethical excellence, in an attempt to strive for the greater good as well as to heighten their corporate image. The relation between the success of a company and their level of ethical excellence is unquestionable. Through an analysis of this point, many have inquired as to why social responsibility and ethics are important aspects of the corporate world. Firstly, people want to buy from an ethical business. Taking the wholesaling industry for example, this industry has proven to possess very tight profit margins, yet still manufacturers of green and eco-friendly products are witnessing that more wholesalers are purchasing their products above that of their competitors. Eco-friendly products and the wellbeing of our environment have shown to be of great concern to the consumer; Roots’ perseverance to attain an environmentally friendly product is one of the many reasons they are viewed as such an ethically endowed company. In addition to the fact that consumers are more inclined to purchase goods and services from an ethical company, is the fact that people also prefer to work for a company which upholds an ethical practice. Employees of ethical businesses are more inclined to work harder, and with more passion and willingness in comparison to employees working in less than ideal working conditions and situations. In order for a business to become and remain successful, a balance between consumer and employee happiness and approval must be maintained; factors which Roots Canada have seemingly mastered. Roots Canada has been proud of its core values and integrity ever since it began operating in 1973: “At Roots, we believe that everyone should do his or her part to help make the world a better place to live. Giving back to the community is an intrinsic part of who we are and what we do” (“Helping make the,” 2009). The company has implemented a set of health, safety and labour standards that are to the highest standards. These standards have been put in place to enforce and maintain exceptional working conditions for employees of the Roots brand manufacturing process. Although many companies in the past have turned to cheap and inhumane methods of producing their product, Roots has never participated in these alternatives. They are looked at with a high regard for having a genuine respect and appreciation for the people of their company all over the world. Roots will not tolerate child or forced labour. It is stated in their Code of Conduct that, “Suppliers to Roots shall employ workers who meet the applicable minimum legal age requirement of their country or are at least 15 years of age” (“About Roots,” 2012). It is also made clear to suppliers of Roots that their employees must receive at least the minimum wage pay stated by local law. In addition, referencing Roots’ Code of Conduct, it is made clear that no employee be subject to any form of discrimination, harassment or abuse. In order to uphold these strict standards and expectations, Roots has audits p