
Legalization of all Drugs - Persuasion Essay

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"I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police." This quote by Keith Richards, represents a major problem affecting the rights of the American people. Contrary to what former presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and much of the American population believed, the effects of legalizing drugs and declaring the "War on Drugs  have been far more detrimental to the wellbeing of the nation than if all of the drugs on the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) were made legal or even decriminalized. Although many people believe drug legalization may eventually lead to an increased crime rate, each and every drug on the Controlled Substance Act deserves to be legalized because organized crime would be crippled, taxpayer money would be saved, and the government would generate revenue. Legalized drugs would be much safer and would also help in slowing the spread of deadly diseases, like HIV/AIDS. "The simple fact is that transnational organized crime is big business in an increasingly globalized economy. From China to Nigeria to Mexico, entrepreneurial criminals will navigate around laws and across borders, supplying illegal or illegally acquired goods and services to meet the demands of the highest bidders" (Haken, Jeremy pg. 1). This quote offers insight into the scary truth behind organized crime gangs and terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the cartels of South America, and the different Mafia syndicates by helping to give an understanding to the rate in which they are spreading, multiplying, and wreaking havoc all over the world. All of these groups control a major share of the black market drug trade and are in control of the drugs that enter the country as well as used by millions of people every day. The consumer is left clueless as to what he or she is buying and what harmful chemicals the drugs have been cut with, for example, most street heroin is only 3 to 6 percent pure and street cocaine is often only 10 to 15 percent pure. This can lead to unwanted effects, a much higher likelihood of an overdose, and even death. With the legalization and regulation of drugs, this problem can be efficiently and effectively combated by domestically grown, sold, and taxed drugs right from home soil. This can in turn open up many new lucrative job opportunities for American citizens in search of work. Organized crime groups are evolving from past decades and have morphed from domestic organized crime groups that were once smaller and regional in scope but have since grown into hierarchically structured criminal organizations that are now global in nature and increasingly networked with other criminal groups. Statistics show that, in 2009, organized crime groups made upwards of US$2.1 trillion; this translates to a control of 3.6% of the global GDP! Leaving that much money unaccounted for in the hands of merciless criminal organizations is a recipe for disaster. According to the personal finance site, NerdWallet, research shows that if all 50 states legalized cannabis alone t

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