
The Trial and Death of Socrates

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Socrates is characterized as a man who lives "the good life" in Plato's "The Trial and Death of Socrates." On the other hand we as readers witness the society that surrounds him live a very different type of life. Socrates consistently is challenging the rest of society, which is the reason for why he is in trouble to begin the piece. I believe the life Socrates lives to be the true good life. Through The Trial and Death of Socrates Plato shows how Socrates is a man who is content with the life that he has lived and does not fear death. He lives an unordinary life, but a life filled of goodness because he does not let fragility and luck affect his ability to really live the good life. He instead self-sufficiently allows for himself to focus on goods and virtues in order to live a good life. This is unlike the rest of society who seem to be easily affected by adversity in their lives and therefore struggle to live a similar life to Socrates. The thing that stood most out to me with Socrates is the fact that he did not fear death. When threatened with death, he stood his ground and continued to express his true beliefs. In fact he even stated "to fear death, gentlemen, is no other than to think oneself wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know (The Apology). Socrates is very open in this instance and is always looking to question society. By questioning society he learns and gains knowledge. As a philosopher the ultimate question was the meaning of life. By death he would finally understand the meaning of life and figure this out. By understanding the meaning a life he would gain knowledge, which he considers to be a good and therefore would be living the good life. This also explains his lack of a fear of death and exemplifies how he does not let circumstances out of his control prevent him from living the good life, instead he embraces them and finds a way to make his life a true good life. Socrates is a dedicated learner. Knowledge comes to him as a good and he feels that through death he will gain a greater understanding of life, which would then make him fear death less. Through his teaching and learning process Socrates is a man who lives the good life. I believe this to be true because he is a teacher who never asked for a material return. His payback was the knowledge he gained through his teachings. He learned a lot about society through teaching society his ways. He made an example of himself with his lack of a fear of death and showed why it is not as bad as society believes it to be. We continue to see this lack of a fear of death when he states "Neither I nor any other man should, on trial or in way, contrive to avoid death at any cost  (The Apology). We see him now go even further into this questionable topic stating that he believes nobody should fear death. In his instance I have to agree with him. If one fears death, then it can in fact hinder them from living a good life, happy life, flourishing life, etc. The fear of death that we witness in society can hinder these people

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