?This summer was a different one altogether. It was a once of a lifetime experience for me to be exposed to the big world. This summer, I attended math tutor, went to Fiji to get my visa, and traveled to Korea for a math conference. There was so much to do during the summer break, but the main thing is that I enjoyed and learned a lot of new things, especially from the trip to Korea. All the excitement and fun came when it was getting close to the date when I left for Fiji. I was really excited about meeting up with my family members especially my grandpa. After I returned from Fiji, my main focus and excitement was towards the trip of a lifetime; a conference trip to Korea. This was going to be my first time travelling to Hawaii and Korea. Surely, this trip was a memorable one not only because I have been to places I've never been before, but also the life lessons I picked up on this trip. I learned to do laundry, manage my allowances, and most importantly, taking care of myself in a really big world. During the first part of summer, I attended math classes with Mrs. Park and consistently went to the gym. There wasn't much going on at this time of my summer vacation, aside from preparations for the trip to Fiji to get my U.S Visa done. It was at the end of June where excitement came into place. It was the moment I've been waiting for because there was nothing else to look forward to in the beginning of the month of June. Aside from math tutor, going to the gym was the other part of my summer program in the beginning of the month. I was always looking forward to go to Korea every time I hear Mrs. Park discussing about the conference. So basically, the first part of my summer was boring and full of excitement at the same time. I was glad when August came around because it meant that one more week and I'm off to Fiji. The whole first week of August, my mind was already on vacation. Sometimes, I would be sitting in my room, and just dr