
Overview of School Budget Cuts

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As school budgets continue to suffer massive deficits, due to the loss of many federal dollars, many people are beginning to grow concerns of the situation. Many instructors have begun to slowly get laid off and classrooms have begun to close. Those who have been closely following the slight decline in educational funding are starting to speculate that the reason behind these deficits is due to the poor decisions made by our state government (Ed. Comm., 2009). With funding reductions almost reaching an all time high of 6.4 Million dollars just in orange county North Carolina, the state is preparing to face one of the greatest financial challenges yet in the school budgets. On a statewide level the K-12 cuts are estimated to be close to 106 million dollars in the educational budget just in North Carolina alone (Barstow, 2009). On a national level the educational cuts are estimated to be around 2 Billion dollars which will have dramatic effects as far as teachers and other school personnel are concerned. The members of the budget committees are selected either through a voting method or are appointed by previous board members, all depending on the district and what method they are used to using. For all their different types of methods though, the members must have at least a bachelor’s degree to be considered for a budget committee seat. Most of the terms last from two to four years again depending on the district and their set policies regarding committee membership. All the budget committees are equal opportunity groups which consist of individuals who are qualified for the position, without any regard on race, age, sex, or religion or any other type of discriminatory issue (Ed. Comm., 2009). The school budget process is a process that takes time and must be planned out carefully, as one small flaw could delay the process which is needed to decide which districts get what amounts of fund for the fiscal year at hand. Workshops must be developed in conjunction with the corresponding Board of Education from each district or Budget Committees depending on the way a district decides on how they assess their budgets. At each workshop they must already be a proposed plan which is used as a starting point in which the members of the budget planning committee will approve or disapprove of a motion if they agree or disagree (White, 2009). They members of the committee must also already have common expectations in mind of how many qualified people will be hired or fired to assist with school functions, for example: teachers, bus drivers, aides, nurses, etc. The tools needed for each district would also come into the meeting depending on what is needed the most at each district to educate students, for example: computers

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