Global warming is a deadly disaster that heavily influences our life today. Due to the temperature increases, climate change, ice caps are melting, sea level is rising, and greenhouse effect. All of which reasons have the gigantic impact on the world. The effects of global warming endanger the lives and habitats of many species, including our own. Due to the high concentration of rising temperatures, on the ozone layer, human health is now being put at risk. “As the Earth's temperature continue to rise, we can expect a significant change in infectious disease patterns around the globe. Just exactly what those changes will be remains unclear, but scientists agree they will not be for the good" (May 23, 2007). As the temperature rises, some animal species will not be adept to the changes and in effect will go extinct. Also, there will be more disease and worse effects on humans and animals. It is also evident that there is climate change around the world. In recent years, we have so many unusual hurricanes, typhoons, floods, droughts and earthquakes. Plants and animals that lived in the cold climates are now disappearing. In addition, there is less water, food, and vulnerable plants and animals will not be able to survive. Furthermore, warmer temperatures are now carrying more diseases that effect humans, animals and plants. When people destroy the natural habitats, we are left with the negative effects in the form of strange weather, temperature changes, rising sea level, melting ice caps, and the greenhouse effect. Ice caps are one of the biggest problems in the Arctic Circle. Each year the ice caps are getting thinner and some animals, who live in colder weather, are not able to survive. For example, polar bears will no longer exist because they can’t swim across long distances of water. The distance, which polar bears have to swim, is growing because the ice is melting. The melting of ice caps has been accelerating global warmi