
My Memorable High School Years

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Outline I. Introduction 1. What extend this statement is true base on the not memorable years? a) The defaults that I encountered in my high school years. b) Some of the people that caused my defaults. c) Feelings that arose in high school. II. Body 2. What extend this statement is true base on the memorable years? a) My turmoil at the end of grade 10. b) The year I received my trophy. c) Others years such as 2014, when I received third place in the 800 meters race. d) The year of 2015, the finishing year at high school. 3. How my memorable years impact others? a) Friends b) My class mates c) Younger Students III. Conclusion a) Some years that was not memorable. b) I had some memorable experiences. c) I want my life to be remembered by others. “My high school years were memorable years” to what extend is the statement true from your experience. 300-500 words This statement “My high school years were memorable years,” is true to a certain extent due to my personal experience. The years that were not memorable started in grade ten. I was seen as an outcast mentally and socially. Since I was always in my books and prepared for my exams ahead of time, I was tantalized frequently by my classmates. Depression hovered over me like a cloud on a rainy day. I was so lost and confused; the only way I thought people would like me was to pretend to be someone else. At the end of grade ten things took a turn for the better. This became the beginning of the years I would like to remember. I was a ten grader when I received the highest grade point average. I was astonished at first but I knew I deserved friends like Abigail Turner, Gabrielle Evans, Desinque Rahaming , Dominic Fowler and the rest of my friends chanted my name, latija king and applauded with great confidence. I received the trophy delightfully from my principal, Mr. Wendell. Miller. By the grace of God I excelled tremendously. A second memorable experience came i

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