
Reflection on Art Education

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In order to understand this INTASC standard it is essential for the teacher to understand that the students vary in backgrounds, skills and learning styles. Every student has their own personal story and it includes everything from their culture, language, socioeconomic status, gender, personal interest and more. It is essential for teachers to recognize these differences in their students and engage all learning styles to aid them to reach their full potential. As each learner has an unique environment to themselves, they also have their own unique learning abilities and differences. By utilizing multiple learning methods it allows the teacher to engage students and challenge them in a variety of ways. Howard Gardner proposed a new view of intelligence that is rapidly being incorporated in school curricula. In his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Gardner suggests that there are eight distinct intelligences (Ormrod, 2010). Each of which include such areas as music, sports, spacial relations, interpersonal and intrapersonal knowledge in addition to mathematical and linguistic ability. Gardner's theory encourages educators to use many teaching methods to benefit students' strengths which help them learn and understand classroom subject matter. As a future educator, I strongly believe that it is important to nurture multiple intelligences in the classroom. Since students have different learning abilities and are able to learn in a multitude of ways I think it is important to try and incorporate a variety of intelligences in the classroom. I am going to be an art teacher and a good way to enhance art education is to surround art with music. Music and themes in art go hand in hand. When teaching a particular theme, culture, or period in time I can play music in the classroom that goes with the lesson. Just by incorporating art and music it opens up opportunities for the educator to include studies of time periods and art movements. For

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