
American - Land of the Free?

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In the United States today there are currently thirty-one states that ban same sex marriage and there are nineteen that do not. This means that in sixty two percent of the states, same sex marriage isn't allowed. That's more than half! Therefor the couples out there that are profoundly in love with each other are prevented from marrying their partner if they just so happen to reside in one of those 31 states. It is very displeasing because out of all the things America has overcome as a country, banning same sex marriage is still somehow an issue. In Martin Luther King Jr's own words, his definition of just and unjust laws were: "A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law." basically according to King's definition, just laws are anything that uplifts the human personality and unjust laws are ones that degrades them. He was all about equality and fairness, which America claims to be but still, prohibits different types of marriage. I believe that banning same sex marriage is unjust because America wasn't solemnly found on Christian beliefs and it is unfair because everyone is entitled to equals rights as stated in the 14th amendment. I would enact change by contacting and writing congressmen Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Ted Cruz, and explaining why I think this law is unjust. Those who are against same sex marriage will always make the claim that it is "against the bible  and that God would say it is sinful. If that were what one would like to believe then so be it but what they fail to realize is that America, as a whole wasn't originally founded as a Christian nation. Jefferson himself even stated, "America was founded as a nation with complete separation of church and state . There are an abundant amount of different types of religions in America other than Christianity. Not every religion practiced is the exact same and don't a

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