"The Divine Comedy: Inferno," is an allegory written by Dante Alighieri, a thirty-five-year old man who was spiritually lost. This piece of work is a primary source. However, other secondary sources are used by the author throughout his journey, as he constantly refers to historical and political figures. Inferno is considered as one of the greatest medieval poems written in dialect, which was the common language among people during those times. The Inferno was created during Middle Ages, around 1300s, when politics dominated struggles between the papacy and the Holly Roman Empire. During that time, Dante began a study of Virgils Aeneid philosophy. His work of The Divine Comedy: Inferno was greatly influenced by this philosophy, Dantes personal life around the time of Beatrice's death, who was the love of his life, and by late 13th century politics of Florence. The Divine Comedy's plot focuses on the experiences of the human soul after death (Thompson 99). In his work, Dante uses his imagination to present the horrors of Hell to the joys of Heaven. Dante wakes up in a dark wood where he feels lost, as he can't find the right path on the journey of his life. As he tries to begin his passage he feels hopeless. At that moment a spirit of Virgil approaches Dante and instructs to follow him on a journey to see the horrible scenes of Hell, Purgatory, and the realm of those blessed in Paradise. From this moment on Dante begins a journey through life to salvation. Once Dante and Virgil reach the gate of Hell, they enter the vestibule, the place for the spirits to reside that did not choose God. There is an inscription, which Dante didnt understand, but Virgin explains to him. The poets enter the gate and hear the terrible sounds of Hell. Dante is horrified, but Virgil asks him to move along. Charon takes them to another side of Acheron. There, Dante wakes up to a sound of the thunder. Both poets enter the first circle of Hell called Limbo, wh