The movie "The Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee explores the nature of life itself, amongst the humans and the animals existing on this planet through love, morals, beliefs, values and particularly life lessons. We grasp the idea that life is balanced with the people and the animal, how they need each other, in order to survive just like our food chain. Even though they are morally distinct upon several factors of life such as survival and habitual instincts, how there are different dimensions of philosophies between the two types of creatures, it still prevails to be a balance within nature. How we configure this balance is what the movie explores and lets the ideas unravel itself amongst the audience. We started off with an interview conducted by Yann Martel who is a Canadian novelist. He was interested upon the life of Pi, who is an Indian man named Piscine Molitor, referred in the movie as "Pi. Martel wanted to uncover the mysteries of the nature between good and evil, and how is it distinct from human and animal. Therefore we begin his life story reflected to the audience what exactly is the idea behind "Good and Evil between two different types of beings. Is it formed through habitual factors, or is it originated from aspects of life and circumstance? The ideas that the movie prevails are religion perspectives, how they are combined as one through Pi's eyes, and how they looked upon from society's expectations of religion. Secondly, we explore the relationship between Pi and the Bengal Tiger Richard Parker. How did the relationship grow through struggles of survival, did it test their standards of morals, beliefs? How was Pi's religion and beliefs tested? What is the value of a friend; it is tested through the relationship between Pi and Parker. Pi separated himself from his families and society's selective views and commitments of various religions'. Pi realized that perception is that a knowledge rather than an oppressions of one's views thinking of life. He believed that there many ways of loving god through many different types of religions, thus he wanted to respect and understand Islam, Christianity and Hindu, giving him that combination of commitment, and self morals towards God and himself. Many are trained and engraved into believing one religion to guide them morally throughout society and life. In the movie Pi's father wished of him to study and practice Hindu with the rest of the family. Society itself are ingrained and programmed to believe in one type of religion and what your parents teach you, we have been imprinted of our family values such as the religion selected, thus we automatically accept the religion that we are born into. Pi, on the other hand was different; he