
Defeating the Onslaught of Junk Food

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Abstract Junk means something that has no value. Eating junk foods, therefore, means eating foods that have no nutritional value to the body whatsoever. Over the years the increase in technological advancements has equally affected the nutritional or feeding of families and individuals across the globe. Historically women took their time to prepare food or supervise its preparation however with the shift in roles and the rise of modernism it is easy to find a woman who is the sole breadwinner for a family. Such factors and others that will be discussed in the ensuing sections have contributed to the rise poor feeding habits among the human fraternity. The essay will cross reference articles on research carried out by experts in the field. Additionally it will examine the effects junk food consumption has on the economy, and the measures taken by government to counter the rising trend. The most important part of this essay is to show the reader why people need to mind what they consume as food. The research will also highlight the overall effect of poor feeding on the demographic outlay of the country as well as challenges faced by nutritionists when it comes to dealing with the issue at hand. Introduction A healthy long life emanates from consuming healthy foods. However, the idea of feeding right in the contemporary society seems farfetched. With changing lifestyles new concepts and relationships have come up. This has resulted to changes in feeding habits. Perhaps we could argue that the changes in lifestyle and relationships are positive, but can the same be said for the changes in feeding habits? No reason being people in the modern society people do not care about what they eat. Women in the traditional setting were home caterers their major role being preparation of food for their families. This has since changed, with the rise of feminism and empowerment; women too have thronged the career road. As a result, there is no one to care about the dietary needs of the family: anything hurriedly prepared is enough to keep the children going until mom is out of work. While this is not an attempt to taint working women as bad parents it a place to start. The hurriedly prepared food is nothing but junk food while it may be enough in filling an empty stomach it has no value in the body. In most cases children have been left to feed on what they feel they want. As a result many have opted for junk foods which are sweet yet dangerous. This is called junk because it has no nutritional value in the body. Good feeding habits boost the body’s immune system enabling it to have the ability to fight diseases. On the contrast junk foods do the opposite they lower the body’s immune system and raise the risk of falling ill. Some of the diseases that may arise out of poor feeding habits are; heart conditions, obesity, cancer and a myriad of other diseases. In the scheme of things the underlying philosophy of healthy eating cannot be sidelined. For a healthy lifestyle it is important to avoid junk food altogether. Literature review The issue of healthy feeding has been around for around for sometime it is an ever current which draws attention from numerous walks of life. Healthy feeding is not only an issue affecting human medicine it affects other sectors of the economy as well. Books, magazines, journals and television programs have been dedicated to the issue at hand. All this and more in an effort to let people know about the nature of the looming danger of not feeding right. This section looks at some of this cases it examines the existing literature to strengthen the point of view of this paper. This part reviews several articles published in peer reviewed journals in an attempt to give a profound perspective around the issue under discussion. Discussed below are the articles in question. 1. Karimi-shahanjarini, et. Al, (2012). Parental Control and Junk-Food Consumption: A Mediating and Moderating Effect Analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2012, 42, 5, pp. 1241–1265. In this article, the authors have noted ever increasing need for healthy eating among the adolescence the reason for is that during the adolescent age period of an individual the body undergoes diff

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