
Legalizing Marajuana in British Columbia

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The Drug Legalization of Marijuana is a hot topic nowadays in British Columbia. The drug is derived from the Cannabis plant (cannabis sativa), the main ingredient in Marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol commonly known as THC, a chemical that changes the way you think, feel and act. Some common street names for it are: weed, herb, chronic, jay, bud, blunt, doobie, joint, pot, grass, Mary Jane (MJ), ganja, dope and kush to name a few. People smoke it with hand rolled cigarettes also known as “joints”, bongs or with a pipe. Some effects from Marijuana include a feeling of well-being, talkativeness, drowsiness, loss of inhibitions, increased appetite, , bloodshot eyes, dryness of the eyes, mouth and throat, anxiety, paranoia , diminished short-term memory and decreased motivation in areas of study, work or concentration. Being such a popular drug and in high demand, it is by far the most frequently used illegal psychoactive drug in the world (United Nations Office World Drug Report, 2010). Marijuana’s daily use among young people surpasses tobacco and majority of the people want it legalized. Millions of dollars are spent annually by government to enforce the control but without any consistency and results causing many to wonder if this fight is cost-effective or if an alternate such as legalization would be more realistic than the current efforts in marijuana prevention. The legalization of marijuana is critically essential, atleast with strict controls that would govern who could buy weed, from where, and in what quantity. In this argumentative essay, I seek to argue the reasons why Marijuana should be legalized. British Columbia’s present-day system of marijuana control is worsening to prevent or reduce the harms related with drugs use, based on a thorough review of the evidence legalization combined with strict regulation of marijuana is the most effective means of reducing the harms associated with its use. (Rehm, 2014). Compared to other drugs Marijuana has not been the cause of any deaths. Statistics released by the U.S. Surgeon general stated that in the U.S. in 2003, tobacco was the cause of four hundred thousand deaths, alco

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