Democracy is "governance by leaders whose authority is based on a limited mandate from a universal electorate that selects among genuine alternatives and has some rights to political participation and opposition." (Danziger 1998, 159). Democracy according to Abraham Lincoln is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Advanced democracies are countries with institutional democracy and a high level of economic development and prosperity (GDP at PPP over $8000 and in the top third on the HDI) e.g. United States of America and United Kingdom. All advanced democracies share the basic components of liberal democracies: commitment to private property and free markets, and a belief in liberty, political competition, and participation while transitional democracy is a country that is relatively democratic but shows incomplete signs of democratic consolidations. They fall midway between an established democracy and non-democracy. Most African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana etc. are classified as transitional democracies. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-state known as a polis of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. Athens is one of the first known democracies. Other Greek cities set up democracies, most following the Athenian model, but none are as well documented as Athens. The first vital institution of Athenian democracy was the Council or Boule, what would be the cabinet of Parliamentary governments in modern day democracies. It consisted of 500 citizens who were appointed by lot and served one year terms with the opportunity to serve there only twice in their lifetime and not in succession. Members had to be at least thirty years old and there were at least fifty members from each of the ten tribes. As a transitional democracy, this is a good reference point to constitute our cabinets such that, as much as we don't all participate in decision-making, we can at least be sure that views are equally represented since there isn't a single person fighting for the interest of a constituency (tribe). The cabinets of modern democracies are not necessarily representative of all its citizens seeing as the president appoints the cabinet and he/she can easily be prejudiced against a particular constituency. In light of this, Ghana should perhaps consider a framework where the various parts of the region are readily represented in not just her legislature, but in her executive as well. Again on the Boule, the Athenians put in place a mechanism that ensured that citizens who served on it didn't get too comfortable. For example, no one citizen could chair the council or be the epistate more than once in his