
Cinema and Surrealism

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Surrealism is understood in several different ways, some of which oppose others, but all of these misinterpretations are established on the fact that critics try and condense surrealism to a technique or a genre in itself, as opposed to being prepared to see it as a movement with expanding horizons. Critics have been unsuccessful in identifying the unique qualities that make up the surrealist stance. "the evocation of genre in the case surrealist films can seem iconoclastic  (Conley: 99: 2006). They are searching for a theme, a meticulous type of imagery or a definite concept that they can categorize as 'surrealist' in order to supply a criterion of judgement by which a film can be evaluated. The issue with this is that it goes against the spirit of surrealism. Surrealism was an avant-garde art movement in Paris from 1924 to 1941, which consisted out of a small group of writers, artists and filmmakers. The movement used shocking, irrational or absurd imagery in order to defy the conventional purpose of art, which was at the time characterised by realism. Surrealist cinema, just as Dada cinema, is characterised and classified by means of juxtapositions, the elimination of theatrical psychology and a recurrent utilization of shocking imagery. It has been debated whether Surrealist film warrants a distinctive genre. Acknowledgment of a cinematographic genre requires the ability to name many narratives which share thematic and stylistic traits. By classifying Surrealism as a genre, is to imply that there is reiteration of elements and an easily identifiable standard method, which depicts the entirety of the film. It can be argued that due to Surrealism's use of the irrational and inconclusive mannerisms, it is unfeasible for Surrealist films to comprise a style or a specific genre. I believe Surrealist film narratives cannot be defined by its structure or style. The results achieved due to the practice of surrealism are its definition and classification. While there are several films which are true expressions of the surrealist film movement, a lot of films that have been catalogued as Surrealist, merely contain Surrealist fragments. Instead of classifying them as a 'Surrealist film', the more appropriate term for such works may be 'Surrealism in film'. Surrealists are not worried about creating a magical world that can be defined as surreal. Their attention is almost exclusively in investigating the conjunctions and the points of contact between different realms of existence. Surrealism is consta

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