
Hamlet and Claudius

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Why does Hamlet delay Killing Claudius? What is stopping him. How valid are his reasons for his hesitation. How many times does he have the opportunity to attack and kill Claudius but hesitates and does not go through with it. What do these hesitations and delays say about Hamlet’s character. Hamlet is a very intriguing character with a lot of different morals, ethics, and principles. Hamlet’s morals, ethics, and principles are more on a subconscious level and sometimes Hamlet does not even realize they are there. He has plenty of opportunities to kill Claudius but does not, which says a lot about how strong these morals are. Why is it taking Hamlet so long to exact his revenge on Claudius? He wrestles with himself over his inability to perform these deeds and searches for his reasons to why he is acting the way he is. There are many reasons for us o hesitate before we do things that are in the gray area of life. It good that our principles and ethics warn us before we do something. Even if we are sure something is right we still delay and make us question if it is actually right and/or if it is the right time to do it. Sometime if we know it is right it is better to do it quickly and dwell on it for days. In Hamlet’s case we can see the absolute destruction of his postponement. The best example is what happened to Hamlet when he dwelled how to and when to kill Claudius. Hamlet literally went crazy trying to fight the battle of good vs. evil within himself. As usual when someone’s parent dies or if their parents divorce and then marry someone else there children are not going to be very happy. This happened to Hamlet, his mother remarried Claudius only a few months after his father died. To add salt to injury the ghost tells hamlet that Claudius killed him. The ghosts asks Hamlet to avenge him and to kill Claudius. Hamlet swears to the ghosts that he will avenge him “Haste me to know’t that I, with wings as swift as meditat

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