
Happiness and Pain in The Dead, by James Joyce

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“The Dead," by James Joyce, is a story based on Gabriel Conroy’s emotions and thoughts. This story occurs in a party which was given by Conroy’s aunt Julia and Aunt Kate. This story is written in past tense which gives a feeling that the whole story is based on memories. Through all the story there were some moments related to different characters; those moments were related to happiness and pain. Painful moments were also the ones connected to embarrassment, sadness, and uncomfortableness. The moments related to happiness were Mrs Malins’ son in law fishing story and Gabriel remembering his love for his wife in the past. Also, there were the moments related to pain; those were the one connected to embarrassment such as Gabriel asking a question to Lily and her response, the ones connected to sadness when Gretta told him the story about the boy who died for her and when Gabriel’s mom was against his marriage, and the one connected to uncomfortableness which was Gretta and Gabriel were taking a cab. Mrs Malins’ memory about her son in law being a terrific fisher. “One day he caught a fish, a beautiful big big fish, and the man in the hotel boiled it for their dinner.” This was a happy memory for all the people who were involved in the fishing story, but even more for Mrs Malins who was remembering it at that particular moment and for the son in law who caught an amazing fish. For sure, when Mrs Malins and the son in law remember the fish and the story they do it with a smile on their faces and an inexplicable happiness. In addition, Mrs Malins will always remember her son in law in pleasant and happy way due to this good experience they had together. After the party while walking home with his wife, the lightly falling snow lets memories of Gabriel’s love for his wife arise. The sudden memory of the past brought happiness to his thoughts. He remember the time when Gretta, his wife, and he were in a room with a lot of s

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