
What I'm Learning in School

21 Pages 533 Words 1557 Views

Have you ever tried to sit and narrow down the three most important things you have learned in your classes so far? Well I have, and after a lot of brainstorming I've came up with the three most important things. I have learned a lot of things in my classes, but if I had to give someone advice about college I would tell them the three most important things to me was time management, to keep good grades, and to get to know your instructor! After hearing these three things it could also benefit you in your classes as well. Why time management is important? Time management is important because your word should always be your bond! If you are always on time for your classes it lets your instructor's know you are dependable. It also lets them know you are determined to graduate and further your career. It's also important to be on time because its better to be early than late. If you practice being early now, it will not ever be a problem later on in life. One reason most college students are stressed out is because they always feel like they're being rushed! Using time management skills you can plan ahead, and not rush through anything. It will give you a lot of breathing room in between your classes, as well as time to prepare for your next class. It also so disciplines your for later on in life this is a skill you can always use! It is good to keep your grades up because your G.P.A is very important. What is your G.P.A. you may ask? Its your grade point average and it determines your plans after college. If you plan to go to graduate school or to get a good job it is best to keep your G.P.A high. In order to keep it up you have to study and pass all your classes. If your grades begin to drop it may cause you to have problems with your financial aid, and you could end up having to pay money back. It is important to know your instructors because knowing your instructors can open up a lot of doors for you. They can lead you and give yo

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