In the Jon Krakauer's book, "Into the Wild," Chris McCandles, is seen differently by different people. Some people consider him a brave young man, who ventured into a journey to unknown places all alone. However, other people consider him a fool who ventured into the unknown and ended up dying. Some of the people argue that Chris was only determined to commit suicide and that is why he went for the journey knowing that it was risky. In critical analysis of the events surrounding the journey to the wild where Chris lost his life, we can try to conclude the possible intention of his journey. From the interactions and the items carried by Chris, it is clear that he was not out to commit suicide. His death just happened accidentally as he tried to achieve his mission. In the report about the issues surrounding the death of Chris, there are many cases enough to convince the reader that the death of Chris happened because he was not prepared enough for his adventure but not out of deliberate suicide. Right from the beginning, Chris was a young determined man who believed in sticking to what he saw as right. When his parents decided to buy him a new car as the present for his graduation, he declined the offer because he believed that his car was the best in the world. In the way the author describes his car, it is clear that he was a person who liked adventure. The author explains that whenever the classes were not in session, Chris would take his car for extended solo road trips. From these, it is clear that his trip into the wild was part of his adventurous spirit, which he had hoped to achieve as part of his college graduation. He had clearly kept his parents aware that he was planning to spend the next summer on the roads. His words were clear that the trip he was venturing into was different from the others which he went on the roads for some hours or days when he was not in class. This time, he had no classes to think about and he therefore said, "I think I'm going to disappear for a while . If for any reason he wanted to die, he would not have said to his parents that he was going out for a while. The other evidence that he was out on an adventurous tour was the way he had a stat