Analyze Solution Outsource their IT department to other company such as Outsourcing refers to a practice used by companies by transferring portions of work to outsides suppliers rather than completing it internally. Benefits 1. Remain Organization Culture IT services is indispensable for UPS, which is a major components in improving its business. Hiring IT expertise from outside, with no doubt, need to pay higher for their professional services. The equal pay organization culture, therefore, will be challenge by hiring IT expertise. UPS can only pay a fix price to the outside supplier i.e. Salesforce, and It will provide professional services to the company. Same professional services can be enjoyed by outsourcing while most importantly, the negative impacts of harming the organization equal pay culture by hiring IT expertise from outside could completely avoid and remaining company's organization culture. 2. Save Cost - Efficiency Saving and Reduced Overhead The overhead cost of performing a new department and a particular back-home office is extremely high. Outsourcing can completely avoid the costs such as utility expense, the company only have to pay a fix price which surely lower than opening a new department. Take Minneapolis-based Haagen-Dazs Shoppe as an example, the company estimated it would have to spend $65000 dollars for a custom-designed database. The company outsourced its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Salesforce and only had to pay $2000 dollars, plus a monthly charges $125dollars per month for 20 users to use wireless handhelds and the web for monitoring all the franchises across United States remotely. This succeed example clearly explain how outsourcing reduce its cost while the service quality remained. Immediate benefits can be obtained by outsourcing. 3. Focus on Core Activities Without quality human and financial resources, it is impossible to establish a good IT department in U