
The Biblical Form of Church Government

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? Biblical Form of Church Government Is there a Biblical Form of church government? After I have done a lot of research through commentaries, the scriptures as well as online resources I have come to a conclusion that there is no straight forward “black and white” biblical form of church government. Now with that being said that doesn’t automatically imply that Christ through his word didn’t illustrate or give us examples of how the church should be ran today. There are examples all through the New Testament that show how Christ wants his church ran. As you read this paper I hope you see and learn something new about church government that you have never noticed before. Firstly what makes a church a church? Does it really matter whenever or wherever? How much organization is necessary for it? These are all questions that may come to your mind when you are thinking of a biblical form of church government. Since the bible doesn’t have a certain form of church government. However the bible does describe the features of an assembly which we get our features for the local church, which is an assembly of professing believers who have put their total faith in Christ Jesus, who also have been baptized, and who are organized to carry out God’s plan. Notice all of the different but important aspects within this definition of the local church. Firstly, those who do not proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ are excluded. Secondly, the members of the church should be baptized because according to the New Testament there is nowhere that talks about unbaptized members within the church. Thirdly, the church has to have some kind of organization, in Acts 14:23 organization was incorporated. Fourthly, there has to be a purpose for the church which should be to fulfill God’s will. Through the scriptures God reveals his will for the local church: evangelizing to the lost, building up believers, making disciples, sending out missionaries, worshiping his holy name, giving of ourselves, as well as many more other things. So

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