
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice and the Abortion Debate

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The controversy of abortion in the United States is unique because there seems to be no grounds of compromise between two completely polar sides. That is mostly because either a living human is or isn't being killed. This is a case between life and liberty, but the ambivalence of the complexities of abortion makes it hard to settle the two sides. There is much debate whether this is an action of life or death, and the difference is rather large. Yet both sides to the abortion dispute share a common goal: that abortions should become safer, and the number of abortions should decrease. Abortion is defined as the inducing of premature delivery in order to destroy children. It is a chosen miscarriage. Within abortion there are many different questions. Does the constitution defend an individual's right to abortion? Does this include confidentiality? Is a developing fetus a being? Should the law allow abortions for rape or incest cases? The answer to these questions is that the constitution does allow abortion. The right to privacy and reproductive rights, although not directly mentioned in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, is an enumerated right. The Supreme Court Decision in 1973, Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion in the first trimester. Since then, over 35 Million women have had legal abortions. In America, 24% of pregnancies end in abortion, and 41% of that is on teenagers. 88% of abortions are performed during the first trimester. In Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court started that all American women had a constitutional right to seek an abortion. That decision has become one of the United States of America's most controversial issues (Walterscheid, 1991). Outlawing abortion would have the effect of imposing one person's moral values upon another. Can a person prevent someone from drinking because he or she thinks it's wrong? Can that person insist that two people stay married because he or she is against divorce? The answer to these questions is no. Not only is it unconstitutional, but it's unrealistic to believe that government or anyone can control the lives of others simply because their beliefs differ from our own. Abortion is a personal issue and should be dealt with by the individual, not the courts or the government in general. Abortion is a very controversial subject. There are many beliefs and exceptions. Many people fail to realize or understand that it is a personal decision. The decision to or not to abort may be more complicated than people might realize. Regardless of the fact of morals, a woman has the right to privacy and her choice to abort. Only the woman has the control over her body and reproductive system besides God's decision. In 1989, the Court decided that each state has the right to set its own abortion policy. Also this decision changed the face of the abortion debate in America and nearly every state in the nation has introduced legislation designed to limit abortions. According to Walterscheid, America's long struggle over reproductive rights has moved into the political ground, and the debate shows no sign of resolution any time soon. Another implication that goes along with an amendment to outlaw abortion is its potential effect on the right to use birth control devices. Birth control pills don't prevent fertilization, but instead prevent the implantation of an already fertilized egg. The Human Life Amendment declares that fetuses, from the moment of fertilization, are "persons . This means that birth control pills could be made illegal. Birth control pills are not only one of the most popular, but one of the most effective as well. If these were outlawed, women would be forced to use less reliable forms of birth control, and the need for abortion would be even greater (Walterscheid, 1991). Some people believe abortion is illegal, very bad, and that it should not be allowed at all. They think abortion is like committing murder as it kills the human fetus. They continue to argue that the fetus is something alive, a human being who is partly formed and to do abortion is to kill it and commit murder. Scientific research has proven that even though the fetus starts to develop a face, arms, legs, etc by the tenth week, it does not have a consciousness and it does not constitute as a human being. Ni

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