Violence in todays world is at an all time high and the people who are responsible for most of this are adolescents. This is no simple matter that can be explained very quickly, it is a big issue that needs to be examined very closely. Especially with recent events in the past several years of school shootings. But In order to look fully in depth into the problem, one must first understand what an adolescent is, and how their mind works. Adolescence is a time period in every human beings life from age 12-19 that is revolutionary. It is when that person begins to leave childhood and enter adulthood. Also famously known as The Awkward Stage it is when you start to put together the pieces and find out what life is all about. With adolescence can also come depression, feelings of abandonment, and hatred. As said in a guide to psychology, Simply put Adolescence is a time when children start to use their newly developed powers of logical thinking to see for themselves whether the things theyve been told their whole life by adults-especially their parents-are really true (Richmond p.1). There is no surpassing it or getting around it every single person has to go through this time in their life. This is when you start questioning real things, as compared to when youre a smaller child when youre only really questioning little things. Things such as what they might hear on the news, or things their parents have been telling them their whole life. This transition from childhood also comes with more freedoms, meaning more hanging out and meeting different people and seeing their different backgrounds. An adolescent mind can be compared closely to a sponge that soaks up information and spits it out. Some things get put into practice but most dont. This is the time in a persons life when they can start to make decisions for themselves and start to really see whats going on in the world around them. Usually teen kids dont have much to worry about