Many people think mixed martial arts fighters are just animals in a cage. That the fighters just a have some sort of a blood thirst and this is why they are fighters. When the truth is that most of them just have a love for the sport. If you have experienced the training they go through and you were to think like a fighter, you might even say there is a science behind all of it, that there is a large amount of intelligence hidden behind the bloody, aggressive nature of the sport. So, the question is, is Mixed Martial Arts barbaric? Something that is referred to as being barbaric is usually lacking restraint, aggressive, very primitive or unsophisticated. A person that is barbaric wouldn't be able to hold themselves back. They would act on instinct like an animal and would be uncontrollable. If anything the training a mixed martial artist goes through would teach them discipline and to be able to hold themselves back. Many say that fighters are animals and that the sport has a very barbaric nature, and these people do not like this. They say they cannot stand to watch fights because of the bloodiness and pure aggression that goes on in the cage. They think fighters just need a way to let their rage out on others and that Mixed Martial Arts is a legal way for them to do this. These are people that have no clue what is actually going on behind all of this “chaos.” Even then you have some that think the sport is barbaric and they like the sport because of this. These types of people are usually Mixed Martial Arts fans that haven’t trained and just enjoy watching the sport. They think they know everything and how to fight just from watching too much UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). These people think of the winners of fights as heroes and of the losers just as a disgrace and they should just walk out the cage and never come back. These types of fans are usually, in my opinion very disrespectful to the hard work the fighters put into this sport. They also don’t know what is actually going on