The title of "My Last Duchess" reveals how the Duke, although being married to her, makes no personal connection to the Duchess and sees her as a title not a lover or wife. The work ˜Last' implies how he obviously has thoughts on getting remarried because it does not say final and we can deduce that he is now ready for the next duchess. This shows us how to him his wife was merely an abject and their marriage was one of convenience not one of love. I think that the way the Duke launches straight into describing the portrait, by saying ˜that's my last Duchess painted on the wall', shows how he is a controlling character because he doesn't give the visitor time to speak. We also learn only now does he really appreciate that the art is good, with the quote ˜I call that piece a wonder, now', perhaps implying that his dislike for the duchess had clouded his view of the painting. It could also show how the Duke can only see her beauty now she's dead, as he is no longer paranoid about other men's perspective. Only now appreciating her physical attractiveness rather than thinking about it as a curse. It could also suggest how he only cares about the materialistic items as he gloats ˜Fra Pandolf's hands worked busily all day' perhaps trying to impress his guest with this artist. Further down the dramatic monologue we can see how even after death the Duke still wants to control her. This is proved in the line ˜since not puts by the curtain drawn for you but I' showing how only he is allowed to witness ˜the depth and passion of its [her] earnest glance'. This suggests how he is still overridden with jealousy and enjoys the power of finally being able to control who receive her smiles. Personally I think this could show how the Duke is proving his succession, and is sending a warning to people by making sure people understand he will always be victorious. It could also show how the Duke wants vengeance for the embarrassment she caus