
Disney's Tarzan - Movie Analysis

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The Disney movie Tarzan was released in 1999 and directed by Chris Buck and Kevin Lima, we follow the story of a young orphan boy named Tarzan. In the start of the film we see a family that is escaping from a burning boat and when they do they find themselves on a on an island in the jungle and they start to build themselves a home in the form of a treehouse. We also see another family in the beginning of the film, but this family is a little different, they're gorillas. The father Kerchak is playing with his newborn son, and in the night while the mother Kala is holding him the little one sees a frog and begins to play with it. This leads the newborn into a leopardess named Sabor who ends up killing the child. The ape parents see what is going on but aren't fast enough to react in time. While the group of gorillas is traveling Kala hears the sound of a baby crying, desperate to see who it was in the hopes that it was here child she runs to where she hears it and what she finds is not what she expected. She finds the child named Tarzan and escapes with him away from Sabor who killed his parents as well; Tarzan is now her new son and he struggles to fit in with the gorillas not knowing that he is human and not one of them. This film shows us something important that we should take away and that is family is where the heart is. There some scenes in this film that prove this such as when Tarzan faces his first challenge and tries to prove himself worthy to his father buy beating the leopardess that killed his parents, as well as Kipchaks pervious son. He did this not only to prove himself but also to protect his family and the ones he loves. Much like how in today’s society we have the people that we want to protect whether it be you child, your parents, or any other person you care about that we would go to any means that it takes to keep them safe. This scene also puts him through one of the two most hell like parts of the film by fo

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