Charles Manson was born November 12, 1934 to Walker Scott and Kathleen Maddox. Much of his youth was spent in the care of various relatives or at reform schools, as his mother could not care for him. By the age of nine, Manson was already starting a criminal record with burglary and stealing cars. At 19, he was on parole for good behavior and married a waitress the next year, also bearing a son, Charles Manson Jr. Prior to his murders, Manson was an upcoming singer-songwriter in the Los Angeles music scene. Manson was the leader of what we know today as the "Manson Family" which was started in the late 1960s. He believed in "Helter Skelter," what he knew to be an impending apocalyptic race war and thought that his murders would expedite that war. The term came from the Beatles song of the same name, which he believed was a prediction of the war. Manson thought it would occur the summer of 1969 when black people would rise up and kill the white people. He told his followers they would all be saved by travelling to an underground city of gold in Death Valley. When the war did not happen as predicted, Manson instructed his followers that they would need to show the blacks how to start. Four of his followers were instructed to go to 10050 Cielo Drive and kill the people inside. The house at that address formerly belonged to Terry Melcher, a man who did not help Manson start his music career. At this time, a pregnant Sharon Tate and her husband, Roman Polanski, had rented the house. While Polanski was in Europe for work, Tate was residing at the house and was brutally murdered along with four other visitors on August 9th, 1969. However, Manson was not content with the panic from the murder. The next night, six members and Manson went out to Waverly Drive and also murdered Leno LaBianca, a supermarket executive, and his wife Rosemary, a dress shop co-owner. Winifred Chapman, Sharon Tate's housekeeper, was the one to find the dead bodie