Data protection is about preserving a fundamental right that is reflected in the Fundamental rights of the European Union, Council of European Convention 108, as well as other international agreements and national constitutions. The processing and re-use citizens' data has become increasingly important from an economic perspective. It has led to pressure to weaken this fundamental right and also to change the legislative framework to make legal protection less predictable. Data protection and security have being one of the topic that brings a great impact to the society. Many people don't know that when they buy online product, use the social media or other types of websites his/her personal information is processing and they may know something about that person. The issue of privacy and personal data protection have frequently been in the news in recent years, especially in the context of social networking, consumer profiling by online advertising companies, and cloud computing. Personal data means any kind of information that can personally identify an individual. The obvious example are somebody name, address, national identification number, date of birth or a photograph. A less obvious example but have the same impact are vehicle registration, plate number, credit card number, fingerprints, IP address, or a health record. It also has to be noted that personal data is not just information that can be used to identify individual directly by name but it is enough if a person is single out from among other people using a combination of pieces or other identifiers. Online advertising companies use tracking techniques and assign a person identifier in order to monitor that person online behavior, build their profile and sow offer that could be relevant for this person. Such an advertising companies does not need to know that person name, it is enough to know that the user repeatedly visits certain websites. Also, with the amount of data growing exponentially, there is little doubt that it will change the world in the coming years in ways that we can scarcely imagine today. Processing reliable data can help discover certain trends, which can contribute to reducing the waste of resources and improve policy-making. However, data can also be used to put people under complete vigilance in breach of the fundamental rights. With data being stored for very long periods, your online behavior as a teenag