
Generation Y - The Millennial Generation

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As the needle lands on the wax of my Bob Dylan record and I hear his rough but artistic voice, I feel very nostalgic for a generation that I was never a part of. I am, instead, a very un-proud member of the millennial generation, Generation Y. What we lack in originality we make up for in confidence. We posses at this current time the greatest access to instant knowledge. Owing to the drastic developments in technology. It is not only our access to technology that shows the power we have, it's the sheer number of us. In New Zealand, as in most other developed countries, Generation Y (those born 1980s to 1990s) outnumber the members of the baby boomer generation. We truly have the ability to change the world. Sadly, our generation has not used this technology to make the world a better place. It seems that technology instead has helped create us into the most self-centred generation to date. Gen Y, better known as Generation Me, is inquisitive and eager - but only in relation to themselves. According to research done by the San Diego State University, "College students scored 30% higher on the 40-item Narcissistic Personality Index in 2006 than they did in 1979." 1. These results are a reflection on our "140-Character" or less generation that demands instantaneous entertainment. Moreover, we are satisfied with artistically cheap entertainment, as long as we get it fast. Technology has instilled in Generation Y this never-ending demand for now. We become frustrated when our web pages take too long to load. Trust me, there are more important things to be frustrated about than not seeing the latest photo of Kim Kardashian. Generation Y becomes angry at the trivial and our discontentment and anger that we feel leads only to insignificant grievances, like our slow Internet connection. Generation Y, rarely has the desire to independently learn. People who read are a minority, and the ones who read thought provoking literature are f

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