What does music signify in modern culture today? Is music an outlet for emotion or is it just a sound made from a speaker? According to Tyrome Bowie music is an outlet to express emotions and a source of energy to let out frustrations in the common world of life. He is a man with relentless talent and a vision shown threw his art of music. Although he is not a well-known musician he has worked with extraordinary people that some might say paved the way in the music industry. Just like a normal citizen in the world he works a nine to five job and goes out to normal restaurants to eat. He's not a superstar or a famous songwriter for a major record company. He's a father, a devoted husband, and a provider for his family. Music to Tyrome is a vitamin something that lifts him up when he is down and gives him the strength to go on without fear or worry. Holding on to his bass guitar like it was a part of him, like an extra extension to his heart. You could see the passion in his movements as he played a song dedicated to his wife (my Aunt) which passed away in December of last year. Most musicians play from the heart, the very soul of their emotions is expressed with every movement of the string. That's what I could see in his eyes as he played his big bass guitar, full blown passion. Which all of this couldn't have been possible without the influence of his mother. According to him his mother gave him the support he needed to pursue his dream as a musician. She was the one that put up with the learning process, the sour notes, and the countless hours of practice. Even his son Ty Jr. wanted to learn how to play the sax due to his dad's influences in music and his passion. He even made his room into a studio, rearranging his bedroom to fit a small studio in his room. This was the beginning stages of a child's dream to become something big in the world of music. Growing up listening to Stanley Clark, Marcus Miller, Victor Houden, and Bill Dic