?Our whole lives we grew up watching shows and movies about the end of the world, never did we anticipate the brutality of the end. The first four seals were opened. Conquest, war, famine, and death destroyed the world and a vast majority of its population. Scared of what was to come next, people coward in their homes, trying to protecting their families. unbeknownst to them, they fell right into the fifth seal’s trap. Plague broke out across the globe, depleting the earth's population even more. No one knows how or where it started but it was a disease that puzzled scientists and doctors, well the ones that were left. We only knew to watch out for the symptoms, coughing, high fever, and weakening of the muscles, making people unable to move. The virus would take over in less than 48 hours but many times people died in 24. Blood would poor from their eyes as they said their last word to their loved ones. The bodies piled up, there was no one left to move, burn, or bury them. So they just sat there, with a stench so foul it could make anyone gag. Then, the sixth seal was opened. Weird marks appeared on the bodies of the dead, and their brains awakened. Although, their hearts would not beat, their blood crusted eyes would crack open, and they would devour anything with warm blood in their path. Billions of skin eaters came to life almost over night. Many had been decaying for months, so when they stood their maggot filled insides would slip out through the cracks in their skin. Their blood turned to dark yellow goo, and would drip out of their veins like the sap of a maple tree. Without a doubt, this is the most dangerous era the Earth has ever seen. Stay out of the streets, keep your remaining loved ones close, and your rifle even closer. It’s March 10th 2027, my name is Mike and if you find this I’m dead, and you’re about to be. On the other side of the decaying, brown door, I hear a deep scratchy breathing. The banging on the door has only gotten louder with each passing minute. In disbelief, I finished reading aloud the last words of a man whom I’ve never met. “ Hopefully the handgun I left under the mattress will be of more use to you, than it was to me, good luck.” Without a seconds notice, Todd runs to the moth bitten mattress and with a firm grip, flips it, along with mountain of dust accumulating on top. The amount of pressure the door can handle is beginning to weaken, as is the amount of time we can stay alive in this room. With deep set brown eyes, Todd stares in my direction and smiles with a stupid cocky grin. Over the pounding he shouts “ This is our only chance, get the ones that get too cl