According to the political spectrum whether the country is under a fascist government or an anarchist government it will end in slavery or chaos; this is represented in William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies. A group of boys are in a plane crash and become stranded on an island without no adults or no supplies, at the beginning of the novel they still obtain their civilization but have no real government or somebody in charge. Until the boys have a mini election and one boy, Ralph, it elected or favored by the rest of the boys. He is now in control and runs a somewhat democratic group as he asks the boys before making a final decision, another boy Jack Merridew is jealous of the attention that Ralph is getting while being in control. In the end Jack takes control and runs a dictatorship amongst the boys, he makes all the decisions without informing any of the boys, except those who are closer to him in the tribe. A similar controlling government occurs in the novel 1984 by George Orwell, except this government is a totalitarianism communist style. Throughout the novel the characters are shown to have no privacy as the government party has control over everything with the many telescreens located throughout the area. The protagonist of the novel, Winston struggles with the super control of the Big Brother and their strong beliefs towards everything. Crimes include; any expression of individuality, sex and free thought or thoughtcrime. Winston commits this crime when he buys a diary to write his criminal thoughts in. O'Brien is mentioned several times by Winston who believes he is apart of the rebels against the part, the brotherhood. Winston meets a younger woman named Julia who also has a hatred for the party, they begin to have an affair until they are invited to meet O'Brien and everything changes as they try to join the Brotherhood. Both Lord of the Flies and 1984 demonstrate that the government or leader who has power can manipulate the lives of the public and take away their right to freedom of thoughts or beliefs. This will be proven by analysis of the following points, Jack and O'Brien manipulation, the breaking of the conch and the glass paperweight and the God Figures in both novels. Not long after the boys have been on the island power has fallen into the wrong hands as Jack takes control of the boys in Lord of the Flies. This occurs after a brief argument between the boys after Jack calls Ralph a coward claiming he should be voted out of office, but the rest of boys do not want that to happen so Jack runs down the beach with the rest of the hunters declaring himself as the leader of the new tribe. This new tribe according to Jack is better when he tries to get some of the other boys to join by saying "Me and my tribe we're living along the beach by a flat rock. We hunt and feast and have fun (Golding 154). This is the beginning steps to Jack being in charge and taking complete control of the boys beliefs and better nature; turning them