Alice and her two older brothers, Rory and Cameron, were outside the school building, happily running around, enthused in their games. However, the cheerful, peaceful atmosphere lasted as long as a goldfish's memory. In amongst the playful confusion, the two boys decided to pester their younger sister Alice, who was three years their junior. This was not their first time causing havoc to Alice. Their fun was in their mischief towards Alice, through words, fists and sticks. The three siblings have been playing hide and seek together, but Cameron and Rory mocked her because of her one weakness: being easy to find. Since this was not the first time Alice was mocked by the two pranksters, she was extremely irritated with them. So for once, she decided to go off the beaten track and find a really good hiding spot. She swiftly dashed into the bush before her brothers could catch on. After a while, she found a ringbarked tree that was tall, flaked with fine-grained bark with a beautiful ruby-red hollow interior . The sturdy red cedar was perfect to conceal Alice's little body inside. It was, perhaps, the penultimate hiding spot to be found in the country. After ensuring she could sneak inside without getting her clothes caught, she climbed on to the hollow, relaxed and pleased. The seven year-old was so proud of herself she started singing, celebrating even though she was all alone. Not long time after, whilst Alice fell into her little world of blissful singing, she felt a bite in her little toe. At first, she didn't really care about it since she thought it was a mere ant bite. This little girl was so used to getting ant bites from all the times running barefoot, that she knew she could just leave it; shrug it off. But something was definitely not right. She squinted her eyes, searching curiously for what bit her toe. It was a bronze viper with leopard spots of black and amber. Within minutes, her breathing deteriorated. Her he