By definition, the word abortion means, the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely following by the death of embryo or fetus. There are two kinds of abortion in the United States, in-clinic abortion and the abortion pill. It is very common for women to get abortions. One out of three women in the country have an abortion by the time they are forty-five years old. If you are under the age of eighteen, the state you reside in may require one or both of your guardians permission. The in-clinic abortion is the most effective way to terminate a pregnancy. There is more then one type of procedures done, but the most common is called an aspiration. Aspiration is usually used up to sixteen weeks after a woman’s last period. The other procedure used is called a D&E (dilation and evacuation). This is usually done sixteen weeks after a woman’s last period. Both of these procedures are very effective, and they work almost every time they are performed. Normally these surgeries cost about $300 to $950 for abortions in the first trimester. The abortion pill is another popular type of abortion. It can be used up to nine weeks after the first day of a woman’s last period. Women who are more than nine weeks pregnant get an in - clinic abortion. The name for the pill is mifepristone, but it was called RU-486 when it was being developed. This pill works about 97 out of every 100 times used. If the medicine does not work, and the pregnancy continues, the baby could potentially end up with major birth defects. This pill normally costs $300 to $800 dollars. The topic of abortion has been a very controversial topic for many years, and probably will never be settled in years to come. Wanting abortion to be illegal, and wanting women to not have the option , is called being “pro life”. By dictionary definition “pro-life” means to be opposed to abortion. The United States pro-life movement is a social and