?In the book Breaking Night, Liz Murray was the main character. Liz struggled with drug addictions in her home. Liz dealt with hunger and with her mother’s mental illness. In addition Liz family dealt with lack of money because the little money her parents got was being used for drugs. Yet Liz managed to go from homeless to Harvard. Although Liz had every reason to give up, she did everything in her possibility to become someone in life. ?In this semester in our Abnormal Psychology class we have covered a few chapters containing mental illnesses and addictions. In this Novel Breaking Night by Liz Murray, both of Liz Parents were heroin addicts and Jean, Liz mother also suffered from schizophrenia and had been hospitalized before. As a child Liz didn’t know any better but to love her parents as they were. Her parents would shoot up drugs in their kitchen in front of Liz. She did everything to keep her parents happy. She didn’t care if she was being put at risk as long as she felt loved by her parents she would do anything for them. Liz was used by her parents as a look out for the mail man who brought their check monthly. Liz parents put her at risk many times because of their drug addiction. Neither Peter or Jean, her parents care if there was no money for food as long as they were getting high her they were satisfied. Every month Liz family got their welfare check. The money was supposed to be for anything the family needed. Jean would buy a few things to eat when they got the check at the beginning of the month. Although the majority of the money would be spent on drugs. Peter, her dad would go out for drugs while there was no more food on the table for Liz or Lisa, her sister. Liz suffered of hunger through her childhood because her parents could only think of their needs. Even when Liz was starving she didn’t complain because she knew her parents didn’t have the money. She knew the little money they got each month was being used on drugs. Liz was so pleasant that she would settle for eggs everyday although she wanted to eat chicken just like Lisa her demanding sister. When Liz was going to school for the first time she was so excited. She thought it would be the best experience of her life. Unfortunately it turned out to be a horrible experience as a child. Jean, once again knowing her daughter needed to look clean for school decided to get high before giving Liz a haircut. As Liz said, “My heart raced and I tried not to ruin her concentration by flinching. In small bits, Ma chopped away my bangs, until they were so short, only a cropped border remained, so stubbly that pieces of it stuck straight out from my head” (39). Jean chopped Liz hair horribly. The day Liz went to school she was wearing old clothes that made her stand out in a bad way. Poor Liz didn’t make any friends yet got picked on because her parents couldn’t sacrifice their addiction for once to use the money on clothe for Liz to go to school. After that Liz barely ever went to school. Liz struggled with so much at such young age. To top it off, Ron, one of Jeans friends raped Liz. Liz dealt with lack of education, Hunger, drug addict parents. Liz left her home after her mom separated her dad. Before Jean left Peter they found out that Jean had AIDs. Liz Also found out that Peter was gay. With this being said Liz had many obstacles in her life as a child becoming a teenager. Her mother past away when Liz was nearly 17 years old. This Novel relates to a few Disorders that we have covered in our text book in class. The Schizophrenia Disorder, Substance Related and Impulse Control Disorder and the Sexual Disorder. Like I mentioned before Jean, Liz mother suffered from schizophrenia which is an ina